In the introduction brief titled 'How to...' we were given the task of coming up with a solution to one of the problems of being a fresher in Leeds. We took the problem from a list we had previously compiled as a class. As you can see on the notes pages we produced as a group, our problem was 'being concerned about the standard of your own work.' A large amount of the work produced by students in the college is to a very high standard and this can be unsettling for some students, especially for students who have never done Graphic Design. We experimented with various formats for giving tips and information to reassure these students. Looking at various ideas ranging from flow charts and quiz's to origami fortune tellers.
After a while it became apparent that as first years ourselves we didn't have the knowledge or experience to reassure people or give them advice. We decided that many of these third years would have been in a similar position to us at one point but are now the ones producing the high quality work. We sent an email to all the third year Graphics students asking them to provide us with a piece of work from their first year which they weren't particularly proud of and a more current piece which they do like. We felt that this would display the improvement which students who are worried can expect to happen as they continue on the course. In addition to this we also asked the third year students to give some advice for first years which could be printed next to their work. This means that not only are we trying to reassure people who aren't confident of their ability but also provide them with some practical advice that they can put into action.
Once we had decided upon the content of our solution to this problem we had to think about the way we would presented. Lots of ideas came up, we thought about leaflets and posters however during freshers week you are inundated with these so we wanted to make something a bit different that would stand out amongst all the promotional material you receive. We went back to the idea or an origami fortune teller for a while and came up with some new ideas. None really stuck until we decided that we wanted something that could fit in a wallet. A business card that folded out and displayed all the information I have previously described.
Shown below is a sketch of an idea for the card that I had. It shows a little business card sized envelope that the folded paper would slide in and out of. I feel if you were handed something like this, especially if it was designed and printed nicely' you would definitely at least take a look at it.
We thought about the sizes of the paper and the business card and after researching the standard business card size and come simple maths we figured out how big we wanted the piece to be. After coming up with this idea a member of the group bought in a card (shown below) that was very similar. This helped us to understand how it would work more easily and also helped with measurements. We decide we wanted to keep the design of this piece fairly simple as we did not want to distract away from the focal point which will be the students work.
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