In class we paired up and brainstormed some of the things that fall under our design process. This brainstorm is shown below.
We looked at various stages within the design process and how we worked in our first year. This exercise helped to remind both me and my partner the stages in the design process. We were then asked to draw out a flowchart of the way we work personally. I found this exercise fairly difficult as my design process is so non-linear. I'll jump from stage to stage sporadically during a project.
I decided that I wanted to illustrate the way my design process is so non-linear and chaotic with this brief.
I spent some time looking online and at books for inspiration on how to fold my leaflet in an interesting way. Paper craft has never been something I am particularly good at but I wanted the format of the leaflet to stand out.
I experimented with a few different designs. One of my favourite is shown above. I had the idea of making this out of tracing paper so you could see 4 different design elements overlaid.
I also made this prototype. The photograph doesn't show much but it is basically a square piece of paper folded in a certain way so it expand when you pull one corner. I put this in a long sleeve to contain it. My classmates sitting at the same table as me decided to put it forward for voting.
The design came in second out of the class and although I'd had my reservations about this design everyone else obviously didn't so I decided to go forward with the idea.
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