Friday, 17 January 2014

OUGD405 - Studio Brief 2 - Research

For studio brief 2 we all chose a word from a hat. We the had to research around this word, specify content related to the original research and then collect an array of research around this topic. We were told to collect 20 facts, opinions, words, statistics and photographs.

I started my research by doing some mind maps around the word I was given. I came up with a few ideas, however I was only really interested in one and this was the idea of looking at the architecture used within the show 'Game of Thrones.' The different cities and castles are a big part of the show and the difference in styles of architecture is vast. 

I started mind mapping what I could research into based around 'Game of Thrones' Architecture. Like I have said there is a huge amount of architecture in the show and I assume George RR Martin and the makers of the show did their research into styles of ancient architecture before designing the sets, however I found it difficult to get much information on the subject. 

When I got feedback on my ideas I didn't get any really positive feedback. I feel my ideas were a bit straightforward and my thinking had been too linear. I spent time online looking for other subjects based around architecture and also did some more mind mapping.

From this mind map I got the idea of looking at architecture within nature. I thought about looking at animals that build their homes such as termites, birds and otters. 

When looking at architecture within nature I stumbled across the subject of the Golden Ratio. It is a pattern that repeats itself within nature and has been described as 'the architecture of nature.' The Golden ratio is used within human architecture aswell. In fact the greek name for the ratio (Phi) derives from the name of a famous Greek architect, Phidas. I spent time gathering information on the golden ratio and put together a presentation to show to the class. The link to this presentation is shown here.


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