Saturday, 18 January 2014

OUGD405 - Studio Brief 04 - Communicate [1/2]

We were asked to identify a problem from our research and resolve it in an 'engaging way.' I spent time brainstorming some ideas and looking at uses for the golden ratio in modern day life. I found that the golden ratio is used a lot within photography to create aesthetically pleasing compositions. However photographers do this all by eye and it takes a high skill level.
iPhone photography has become more and more prominent in modern day society with apps such as instagram and VSCO cam, iPhone photography is readily avaliable to the public.
I came up with the idea of an app which uses guidelines created using the golden ratio and allows people to take photographs using these guides.

Brief: Design and display the branding and interface design for a new iPhone app. The apps main function is photography using guides and grids based on the golden ratio. The design should be inkeeping with the design used during studio brief 3.
The app has a large target audience so should be easy to use with a universally pleasing design.

I started brainstorming an idea for the app. As you can say it didn't take me long until I came up with a name that I was happy with. I decided to call the app 'Phi-tograph.' A play on words with Phi (the greek name for the golden ratio) and photograph. 
I showed the plan shown above at the crits and explained the basic idea. I got nothing but positive feedback. People really liked the idea and said it was something that they would use. 


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