Saturday, 7 December 2013

OUGD405 - Frame - Final Crits

In the final Crit I received some really positive feedback. Again we were told to ask 3 questions so it was easier for our peers to give feedback. I asked; 'Does the design need more depth?' 'Do I need to use more colour?' and 'Who do you think the target audience is?'
The majority of people said that as the design was humorous it didn't need any more depth to the concept. People did say that the design could do with more colour though. 
Most people said that there was a broad target audience but was erring towards the younger market due to the models that I used. 
I was pleased with my feedback for this brief. If I had more time to spend on it I would like to experiment with my idea of using paint on the perspex to write out the dimensions of the frame. I would be able to make these vibrant colour against the black and white which would solve the problem of lack of colour. 
Overall though I am happy with the project. I feel the images are aesthetically pleasing and the idea is strong.


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