Due to the feedback i was given during the interim crit I had 2 objectives to improve this idea. I was told that it was a little bit too creepy and I wanted to make it friendlier and more light hearted. Although most people seemed to like the idea there were a couple of comments saying the idea needed more to it. I agreed with this feedback and I wanted to give it something else that would give it more depth and make it more original.
After looking at work by Sara Pellegrino, which I have displayed on my Design Context blog, I came up with the idea of displaying the measurements of the frame by actually painting them onto the glass I will be photographing my models behind. I would use the colours of Clas Ohlson which is the company I am designing the backing paper for for the paint. I think it would be interesting to have the models smudging this paint and maybe even getting some of it on them to try and give the photographs a playful vibe. I had the idea of covering all of the glass with paint and having the people I was photographing to draw out the measurements in the paint.
One of Gem Fletcher's images (shown here) gave me some inspiration for another idea. I intend to edit some of the images so that the dimensions of the image are made to look as if they are magnified glass. Some sections of the photograph will be magnified and these sections will be in the shape of the numbers. The sketch I have done doesn't do this idea justice but I feel I would be able to achieve the effect quite well on Photoshop. I have an idea as to how I will go about it but I may look at some Photoshop Tutorials that will give me other ideas. This concept works well for backing paper as it fits in with the ideas of lenses and photography.
I had another idea which i may experiment with but at the moment it is probably my least favourite of having the image in black and white but putting sections in the shapes of the dimensions in colour. I feel like this selective colour is used in this way quite a lot and I want to try and make the image look as original as possible.
I have booked a studio induction which will allow me to use the studios as I intend to get high quality images from this photo shoot. I am really happy with some of the ideas and want to resolve them to the best standard I can.
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