I had a basic idea for this brief as it continued from my Summer Project. I decided I wanted to continue what I had been doing by sticking down the tackiest ornaments and souvenirs I could find on the street and photographing them. However in Europe the idea was to basically document my trip through this. Doing it in Leeds seemed like a cool thing to do but to design a website around these photographs I needed a much more solid concept. This is what I was struggling, how could I justify this and turn it into a project that people could relate to.
Shown above are some of the notes I took during the first crits. I was given a few ideas of how to clear up the concept and give the project purpose. The idea of using the term 'kitsch,' which before the crit was completely alien to me was something I considered. It described the kind of items I was sticking down quite well but I later decided the link was too tenuous. I also decided I wanted a name that was more accessible.
I spent some time talking through the idea with members of my class and tutors and decided upon a name fairly quickly: The Dis-ownership Programme. The idea behind this name is that these objects have been discarded and disowned, I get them all in charity shops for less than a pound. I liked the idea that by putting these items out on the street I am setting them free and giving them a purpose. This makes it sound almost like a charitable organisation but in a tongue in cheek way.
I started thinking about some of the pages I would need on the site and some basic ideas for the aesthetic.
I did some very basic layout ideas just to get a few ideas I had in my head down. I knew I wanted a minimal aesthetic that wouldn't distract from the images.
Shown above are some scamps that I did for the site. I showed this in crits and was given all good feedback. Some people were dubious that some of my ideas for the functionality would be viable but this is something that I can address when I am coding it. If I have to simplify it I will.
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