Thursday, 6 February 2014

Design Principles 4/3/14

We were asked to come to the session with 15 questions, 5 based on typography, 5 based on readability and legibility and 5 based on colour theory. Shown below are the 15 questions that I came up with before the session.

We were then asked to get into groups of 4. Within these groups of 4 we narrowed each of our questions down to 10 questions. We were told that during this module we would be creating 10 double page spreads based on these questions and the answers to them. Because of this we ensured that our questions were fairly open and we would be able to gather lots of content to answer them. Below are the 10 questions we narrowed them down to.

We then grouped the questions into groups based around the subject matter. We then split these questions between the 4 of us. Wechave to go away and gather research to answer the questions. We will then share this research with the rest of the group so we all have the information we need to produce the double page spreads.


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