I wasn't sure which idea I wanted to move forward with so decided to experiment with a few and see which was most effective.
One idea I had was to make a stencil of a brain and spray bleach through this onto paper or cloth. I would then immerse the bottom part of the canvas in bleach and hopefully the ink would run making what looked similar to a tide mark. This links back to the title, 'The Shallows'
I experimented with a piece of blue fabric and two different paper stocks, There is only one way to describe the outcome and that is a catastrophic failure. The bleach had little or no effect on all three materials that i tried out. I intend to look further into this, maybe using spray paint or watercolours to achieve the desired effect.
To communicate the internet aspect of the book I decided to use a combination of code and keyboard keys. I was pleased with the outcome of this and will also experiment further with these elements. Possibly combining the two ideas.
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